Tuesday, December 1, 2009

First Quirky Post

I miss funny. I miss funny television, funny print media, funny stories told amongst friends. We are SO serious, and so afraid to be funny with one another.
I miss being able to laugh at myself. I miss being able to laugh at others too, not to humiliate or shame, but because laughing at ourselves changes how we laugh. Often we are scared it is not politically correct to laugh at certain things. Many of us have lost that sense of fun and playfulness which really is about humor, laughter, relaxing, letting go.
Funny for me is not watching home videos on TV about brides tripping, or children falling. That isn't funny. Not to me.
When was the last time you were delighted and surprised in a good way by something someone said? And isn't' that when we laugh spontaneously? We are taken off guard, someone puts a word together in an odd context, or starts laughing because something you said made them think of something else, and the spark of funny happens.
I want funny back. Quirky View is part of that. I know I know. Nothing here I've written has been funny yet. See, I need practice. And I'm probably better on radio. :)
Quirky to me are those offbeat moments, or those weird juxtapositions of words, people and actions. As a kid it happened to me all the time. I would laugh hysterically because of visuals I connected, play on words, that kind of thing. Now I feel rusty and want my funny back.
Will you help me?
There was a time I was kicked out of yoga class for making people laugh. (Actually I've been kicked out of a lot of things for making others laugh, or laughing too loudly. Go figure.) Now there are special laughing yoga classes. So why was I kicked out when years later we seek it? And why is laughter segregated from much of our life, as though to laugh and enjoy makes you less credible or substantial? WRONG. Big fat wrong.
Funny people and laughers unite. Don't be afraid. Step up for your incisors to be seen as you throw your head back for a large guffaw. It is all in the funny bone.
When did we last laugh out loud and get a belly ache? Well maybe you don't want that intensity all the time, but sometimes we do need that. Beyond enjoyment, we need deep, body shaking, eye crying belly laughs. One Quirky bite at a time. So here goes...

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